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[교내연계사이트] '정보원'에 대한 검색 결과

교내사이트 (부서/기관) ( 1216건 )

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :1837491 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 총균쇠 : 인간 사회의 운명을 바꾼 힘 / 재레드 다이아몬드 지음 ; 강주헌 옮김. Original Title : Guns, germs, and steel : Personal Name : Diamond, Jared M., 1937- 강주헌 Publisher : 파주 : 김영사, 2023. Physical Description : 784 p. : 삽도 ; 23 cm. General Note : 판권기서명: 총, 균, 쇠 Bibliography Note : 참고문헌(p. 734-773)과 색인 수록 Subject : Social evolution Civilization --History Ethnology Human beings --Effect of environment on Culture diffusion Available Online : Table of Contents: http://www.riss.kr/Keris_abstoc.do?no=16767615 ISBN : 9788934942467 9788934951711 (양장판) Call No : 303.4 D537gK강   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data offer external data Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :1837492 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 종(種)의 기원 / 다윈 지음 ; 송철용 옮김. Original Title : On the origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. Personal Name : Darwin, Charles Robert, 1809-1882. 송철용 (宋哲鏞). Publisher : 서울 : 동서문화사, 2009. Physical Description : 656 p. : 삽도 ; 24 cm. 총서사항 : World book. 세계사상/세계문학 ; 87. General Note : 다윈 연보: p. 653-656. 부록: 자연선택설에 관한 여러 이견들. Bibliography Note : 주 수록. Subject : Evolution (Biology) Natural selection Available Online : Table of Contents: http://www.riss.kr/Keris_abstoc.do?no=11526666 ISBN : 9788949705095 9788949703824(세트) Call No : 576.82 D228oK송ㄴ   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data offer external data Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :1837493 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 대학·중용 / 주희 엮음 ; 김미영 옮김 Original Title : 大学 中庸 Personal Name : 주희= 1130-1200, 김미영= 1966-, Edition : 신개정판 Publisher : 고양 : 홍익, 2022 Physical Description : 222 p. : 삽화 ; 21 cm 총서사항 : 슬기바다 ; 3 General Note : 본서는 "大学.", "中庸."의 번역서임 ISBN : 9791191805116 9791191805079 (세트) Call No : 181.112 주98K김ㄱ   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data offer external data Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :1837494 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 맹자 / 맹자 지음 ; 박경환 옮김. Personal Name : 맹자 박경환 Edition : 신개정판(실은 3판). Publisher : 고양: 홍익, 2023. Physical Description : 455 p. : 삽도 ; 21 cm. 총서사항 : 슬기바다 ; 02. Language : 중국어 원작을 한국어로 번역 ISBN : 9791191805154 9791191805079(세트)   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data offer external data Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :1837495 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 논어 / 공자 지음 ; 오세진 옮김 Original Title : 论语 Personal Name : 공자= 551 B.C.-479 B.C. 오세진= Edition : 신개정판 Publisher : 서울 : 홍익, 2022 Physical Description : 457 p. : 삽화 ; 21 cm 총서사항 : 슬기바다 ; 1 General Note : 한자표제: 論語 본서는 "论语."의 번역서임 Bibliography Note : 참고문헌(p. 457)과 색인수록 ISBN : 9791191805086 9791191805079 (세트)   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data offer external data Book review 논어 서평 - (권효정 | 2024-09-13 Write) Star point : 공자는 많은 어록들을 남겼으며, 이를 해석하여 하나의 의미로 받아들이는 것은 우리의 몫이다. 나는 논어를 중학생 때 처음 접했고, 그 당시에는 공자가 우리에게 어떠한 의미를 전하고 싶었던 것인지 실감하지 못하였다. 하지만 대학생이 된 후 지금 읽어보니, 이전과는 다른 새로운 시각으로 이 글을 바라볼 수 있었다. 논어를 통해 가족, 친구, 스승 여러 사람들과의 관계에 대하여, 나 자신에 대하여 다시 한번 성찰할 수 있는 계기를 얻을 수 있고, 이를 통해 한 단계 성장하는 나의 모습을 발견할 수 있다. 내가 가장 좋아하는 어록을 하나 꼽아보자면, "子曰 富而可求也, 雖執鞭之士, 吾亦爲之. 如不可求, 從吾所好." 이다. 이 어록의 의미는 "부자가 되고자 한다고 해서 되는 것이라면 나 또한 무슨 짓이라도 하겠다. 그러나 그것이 되고자 한다고 해서 되는 것이 아니라면 나는 내가 좋아하는 일을 하며 살리라."이다. 얼마 전에 한 책에서, 잘하는 일보다 좋아하는 일을 하며 사는 것이 더 행복하다고 느껴질 것이다.라는 구절을 본 적이 있다. 이 두 글의 공통점은 바로 내가 좋아하는 일을 하며 살자.라는 의미를 내포하고 있다는 것이다. 뿐만 아니라 많은 사람들이 좋아하는 일을 하며 사는 것의 중요성을 말한다. 그렇기에 나는 이 서평을 읽게되는 사람에게 좋아하는 일을 하며 살자는 말을 전해주고 싶다. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :1837496 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 도덕적 인간과 비도덕적 사회 / 라인홀드 니버 지음 ; 이한우 옮김. Original Title : Moral man and immoral society Personal Name : Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1892-1971. 이한우 李翰雨, 1961-. Edition : 증보판 Publisher : 서울 : 문예출판사, 2017. Physical Description : 405 p. ; 23 cm. General Note : 색인수록 ISBN : 9788931000023   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data offer external data Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :1837497 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 국화와칼 / 루스 베네딕트 Personal Name : 루스 베네딕트 Publisher : 서울 : 을유문화사, 2008 Physical Description : cm. Bibliography Note : 참고문헌: p. ISBN : 9788932474137 Call No : 306.0953 B463cK김5ㄱ   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data offer external data Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :1837501 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 사람은 왜 만질 수 없는 날씨를 살게 되나요 : 최현우 시집 / 최현우 지음. Personal Name : 최현우, 1989- Publisher : 파주 : 문학동네, 2020. Physical Description : 147 p. ; 23 cm. 총서사항 : 문학동네시인선 ; 132 ISBN : 9788954670739 Call No : 811.1 최94사   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data Abstract Table of Contents External related data 최현우 첫 시집 정직한 슬픔과 깨끗한 애정을 담은 비망록 그리하여, “아름다운 마음들이 여기 있겠습니다” 문학동네 시인선 132번째 시집으로 최현우 시인의 『사람은 왜 만질 수 없는 날씨를 살게 되나요』를 펴낸다. 2014년 조선일보 신춘문예로 등단한 시인의 데뷔 6년 만의 첫 시집이다. 그의 첫 시집 『사람은 왜 만질 수 없는 날씨를 살게 되나요』는 2010년대를 20대로 살아온 시인의 진솔한 마음의 보고서이자 청춘을 가로지른 어제의 세계를 담은 비망록이기도 하다. 만질 수는 없지만 가까스로 붙잡을 수는 있었던 나날을 기록한 63편의 시편. 슬픔은 절제하되 그 무게를 견디고자 하는 책임은 무한하고자 하는 마음을 지켜보노라면, 우리는 이 시인을 ‘초과-신뢰’ 할 수밖에 없으리라. “발롱!”(「발레리나」) 하고 더 높은 곳을 꿈꾸던 시인은 어느덧 믿음직한 ‘조타수’가 되어 이제는 더 먼 곳으로, 적소(適所)로, 독자의 마음으로 나아가려 한다. 이 의연한 시인의 잊지 않으려는[備忘] 기록은 “망가지지 않은 것을 주고 싶”(「시인의 말」)은 희망의 기록이 될 것이다. 다시는 아름답지 말자 아름다워지지 말자 이 계절은 다 지났고 사람들은 구출되어 각자의 여름으로 떠났지만 여전히 어떤 사람과 나는 남아서 쇄빙선처럼 얼음의 방향으로 간다 _「한겨울의 조타수」 부분 우리는 어떻게 해야 하나. ‘견딤’을 견디는 것이 어려우면 어떻게 해야 하나. 그것을 단번에 돌파할 방법은 모른다. 그렇지만 그렇게 몇 번씩 꺾이고 난 뒤에 비록 울음으로 엉망이 된 모습을 하고서라도 다치고 깨진 여남은 것을 주워 다시 기대를 걸 무언가를 찾아 나선다는 것은 분명 지금 취할 수 있는 유일한 방법이자 최대의 용기이다. 도저히 견딜 수 없는 것을 견뎌야만 앞으로의 삶이 지속될 것임을 이십여 년 동안 알게 되었으나 그걸 알고서도 버텨나가겠다, 이 시집이 이런 것을 말하려는 것이라면 나 역시 조금 더 버텨보겠다고 생각한다. 나의 부분을 내어주는 것에 대해 비록 삶은 그 어떤 것도 되돌려주리라 보장하지 않겠지만. 낙관적인 조건도 없이 깨지고 좌절하고 망가진 뒤에도 다시. _선우은실(문학평론가), 해설 「정강이를 부러뜨린 아이는 난파된 배의 조타수가 되어 조난자를 밝은 곳으로, 밝은 곳으로」부분 Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :1837630 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 퀸의 대각선 : 베르나르 베르베르 장편소설 / 베르나르 베르베르 ; 전미연 옮김 Personal Name : Werber, Bernard, 1961- 전미연 Publisher : 파주 : 열린책들, 2024 Physical Description : 2책 ; 21 cm ISBN : 9788932924397(v.1) 9788932924403(v.2) 9788932924380(세트) Call No : 843 W484dK전ㄴ   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data Abstract External related data 탁월한 이야기꾼 베르나르 베르베르가 빚어낸 인류의 미래를 건 치열한 한 판 승부 언제나 기상천외한 이야기로 독자들에게 놀라움과 즐거움을 안겨 주는 베르나르 베르베르가 신작 소설 『퀸의 대각선』으로 돌아왔다. 개인의 뛰어난 역량이 인류 진보의 원동력이라고 믿는 모니카와, 함께 뭉친 집단이 역사를 움직인다고 믿는 니콜, 두 여성이 국제 정치 무대에서 격돌하면서 벌어지는 일을 다룬 작품이다. 둘 중 최후의 승자가 되는 건 누구일까? 과연 인류 진보의 행방은 어느 쪽에 달려 있을까? 베르나르 베르베르는 개인의 힘과 집단의 힘이라는 정반대의 신념을 가진 두 주인공이 펜타곤부터 메카까지 전 세계를 누비며 맞서 싸우는 과정을 통해 현대 국제 정세를 한눈에 훑으며 지적인 쾌감을 느끼게 하는 동시에 매번 승패를 가늠할 수 없는 아슬아슬한 승부로 소설 읽기의 즐거움 또한 한가득 펼쳐 보여 준다. Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :403305 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 宗敎의 意味와 目的 / 윌프레드 캔트웰 스미스 지음; 吉熙星 옮김. Original Title : The Meaning and end of religion. Personal Name : Smith, Wilfred Cantwell, 1916- 길희성, 1943- Publisher : 서울: 분도출판사, 1991. Physical Description : 274 p. ; 23 cm. 총서사항 : 宗敎學叢書 ; 4 General Note : 색인수록 ISBN : 8941991129 Call No : 210 S664mK길   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data offer external data Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :404623 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 공기조화 및 냉동 / Faye C. McQuiston; Jerald D. Parker; Jeffrey D. Spitler [공저]; 민만기 ... 외 역. Original Title : Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning : analysis and design Personal Name : McQuiston, Faye C. Parker, Jerald D. Spitler, Jeffrey D. 민만기 Edition : 5th Edition. Publisher : 서울: 사이텍미디어 , 2002. Physical Description : xi, 670 p.: 삽도; 26 cm.+ CD-ROM 1매. General Note : 부록으로 열역학적 상태량등 수록 찾아보기: p. 669-670 Bibliography Note : 참고문헌 수록 Original version Note : 원본출판사항 New York : John Wiley & Sons, c2000. 5th ed. ISBN : 8955506015 Call No : 621.57 M478hK민5   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data offer external data Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :452625 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 파한집 / 이인로 지음; 구인환 엮음. Personal Name : 이인로 구인환 Publisher : 서울 : 신원문화사, 2002, [(2004 2쇄). ] Physical Description : 133 p. ; 23 cm. 총서사항 : 우리 고전 다시 읽기 ; 23 ISBN : 893591102X 9788935911028 Call No : 811.94 이69파   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data offer external data Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :460232 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 종교의 자연사 / 데이비드 흄 지음 ; 이태하 옮김. Original Title : The Natural history of religion Personal Name : Hume, David 이태하 Publisher : 서울: 아카넷, 2004. Physical Description : 193 p. : 삽도 ; 20 cm. 총서사항 : 대우고전총서 = Daewoo classical library ; 010 Bibliography Note : 참고문헌(p. 181-187) 및 색인수록 ISBN : 8957330240 8989103568 (세트) Call No : 210 H921nK이   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data Abstract Table of Contents External related data 종교적 신념의 발생을 규명하는 종교의 기원에 관한 연구서. 종교에 대한 인류학적이며. 심리학적이고, 역사학적인 뿌리를 살펴봄으로써 인간본성 안에서 종교의 기원을 밝혀가는 전문서이다. 저자 흄은 신의 존재를 인정하나 일체의 신화적 요소를 부인하고 오직 도덕적인 실천을 유일한 종교적 실천으로 삼았던 18세기 영국이신론자들의 자연종교와 계시와 신화적인 토대위에서 인간본성에 반하는 온갖 광신적인 종교적 실천을 강요해 온 타락한 기성종교와의 두 극단 가운데서 종교를 인간의 자연적인 나약성에서 기인과는 삶의 양식으로서 수용하고 그 중용을 찾고자 했던 종교개몽론자였다. Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :464350 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 차라투스트라는 이렇게 말했다 / 프리드리히 니체 지음; 장희창 옮김. Original Title : Also sprach Zarathustra Personal Name : Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. 장희창. Publisher : 서울: 민음사, 2004, [(2011 35쇄). ] Physical Description : 588 p. : 삽도 ; 23 cm. 총서사항 : 세계문학전집 ; 94 ISBN : 8937460947 8937460009(세트) 9788937460944(35쇄) 9788937460005(세트) Call No : 193 N677aK장   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data Abstract Table of Contents External related data "신은 죽었다!"라는 선언으로, 유럽 문명의 몰락을 예언한 철학자 프리드리히 니체의 대표작. 초인, 권력에의 의지, 영겁회귀 등 니체의 핵심 철학이 장쾌하고 시적인 언어로 집약된 작품으로 새로운 세계의 새로운 인간을 위한 새로운 원칙을 제시한다. 10년간의 산중 명상을 마친 차라투스트라가 그가 터득한 새로운 복음을 전하기 위해 인간 세계로 내려온다. 그는 다양한 사람들과의 이야기를 통해 현란한 어휘와 매몰찬 독설로 삶과 예술, 사상 등에 대해 들려준다. Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :509402 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 카네기 인간관계론 / 데일 카네기 지음 ; 최염순 옮김. Original Title : How to win friends and influence people. revised ed. Personal Name : Carnegie, Dale, 1888-1955. 최염순 Edition : 개정판 Publisher : 서울: 씨앗을뿌리는사람 : 카네기트레이닝 카네기연구소, 2007 [(2009 24쇄) ] Physical Description : 357 p. ; 23 cm. General Note : 책등서명: (카네기) 인간관계론 ISBN : 8956370591 9788956370590 8956370583 (전5권) Call No : 158.2 C289hK최ㄱ2   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Related contents Relation name Connected data 초판 카네기 인간관계론 / Carnegie, Dale , 씨앗을뿌리는사람의 즐거운편집실, 2007 Additional data Abstract Table of Contents External related data 1937년 초판이 발행된 이래, 전 세계 수천만 사람들에게 행복한 인간관계를 위한 성공적인 원리를 전해 온『카네기 인간관계론』. 이 책은 사람을 사귀고 사람들에게 영향을 미치는 방법과 기술에 대해, 장기간 축적된 인간경영 노하우를 체계적으로 이해하기 쉽게 제시한다. 먼저 인간관계의 3가지 기본 원칙을 소개한 다음, 인간관계를 잘 맺는 6가지 방법, 상대방을 설득하는 12가지 방법, 리더가 되는 9가지 방법을 차례대로 설명한다. 특히 우호적인 사람이 되기, 열렬한 협력 얻기, 리더 되기, 감동 주기 등 인간경영 리더십 4단계를 책 전반에 걸쳐 알기 쉽게 전달한다. Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :515283 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 백년 동안의 고독 / G. 마르케스 지음; 안정효 옮김; 김욱동 해설. Original Title : Cien Anos de soledad Personal Name : Garcia Marquez, Gabriel, 1928- 안정효 김욱동 Edition : 3판. Publisher : 서울: 문학사상, 2005, [(2011 18쇄). ] Physical Description : 470 p. : 도판 ; 23 cm. 총서사항 : 세계문학 명작선 General Note : 번역서명: One hundred years of solitude 노벨문학상 수상 작가 G. 마르케스의 마술적 리얼리즘 소설 Awards Note : 노벨문학상, 1982 ISBN : 8970126937 9788970126937 Call No : 863 G216cK안3   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data Abstract External related data 노벨문학상 수상작가 가브리엘 마르께스의 대표 장편소설. 마을에서 도시로 팽창하다가 신기루처럼 사라져간 마콘도를 무대로 한 집안의 백년에 걸친 역사와, 기이한 자녀를 에워싸고 일어나는 이야기를 소설로 엮었다. 라틴 아메리카의 복합적인 인종, 문화, 역사적 전통과 현실을 배경으로 하여, 라틴아메리카의 특수한 사회구조를 환상적으로 직조해내고 있다. 중남미 문학의 특징인 마술적 리얼리즘의 원조격인 소설로 노벨문학상 수상작이다. Book review 백년동안의 고독을 읽고 - ( | 2009-11-07 Write) Star point : 세계적으로 극찬을 받고 꼭 읽어봐야된다는 이 책을 지금에서야 읽게 되었다는 것이 부끄럽기도 하였지만 매우 흥미있게 읽었다. 책을 읽는 내내 긴장감을 늦출수가 없었고 마지막 책을 덮는 순간까지 매우 재미있게 읽은 것 같다. 라틴아메리카의 창세기이자 묵시록으로 불리는 이 작품은 라틴아메리카는 물론 전 세계에서 끊임없이 읽히고 있는 불후의 작품으로 인정되고 있고 1982년, 마르케스가 노벨 문학상을 수상하는 데 지대한 영향을 미쳤다고 하니 그 수준을 짐작할 수 있다. 이 작품에는 마을에서 도시로 팽창하다가 신기루처럼 사라져 간 마콘도를 주 무대로 호세 아르카디오 부엔디아와 우르술라 이구아랑 부부로 시작되는 일족의 역사, 그리고 기이한 자녀를 에워싸고 일어나는 사건들이 시간의 흐름에 따라 서술됐다. 또한 최초의 인간은 나무에 묶이게 될 것이요, 최후의 인간은 개미 밥이 될 것이다라는 부엔디아 집안의 고독한 운명은 라틴아메리카의 독자들을 중심으로 수많은 이들의 호기심을 자극하기에 충분했다. 이 책중에서 조금 곤혹스러웠던것은 마르케스는 지속적으로 근친상간의 유혹과 욕망 그리고 죄악과 터부에 대해 이야기 한다는 것이다. 관심을 넘어서 집착에 가까운 마르케스의 근친상간에 대한 그의 시각은 책을 읽는 내내 신경이 쓰이게 했다. 책은 환상과 현실, 괴로움과 성적인 유혹 그리고 삶의 고독을 담아내고 있다. 비극적인 듯 하면서도 저주스러울 정도의 고독을 담아내고자 한 마르케스는 무엇을 얘기하고 싶었던 것인지 읽는 동안 매우 궁금했다. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :527485 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : (외국어로서의) 한국어교육학 개론 / 허용 [외] 지음. Personal Name : 허용. 강현화. 고명균. 김미옥. 김선정. 김재욱. 박동호. Publisher : 서울: 박이정, 2005. Physical Description : 456 p.: 삽도; 26 cm. Bibliography Note : 각장에 참고문헌 및 색인(p.450-456)수록 ISBN : 8978787770 Call No : 411.07 한17ㄷ   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Related contents Relation name Connected data 후속저록 외국어로서의 한국어교육학 개론 / 허용 , 박이정, 2010 Additional data offer external data Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :537064 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 소유냐 삶이냐 / 에리히 프롬 [지음]; 정성환 옮김. Original Title : To have or to be Personal Name : Fromn, Erich, 1900-1980. 정성환. Publisher : 서울: 홍신문화사, 1988, [(2011 중판). ] Physical Description : 247 p. ; 23 cm. 총서사항 : 홍신사상신서 ; 24. ISBN : 8970551239 (2006년) 9788970551234 (2011년) Call No : 128 F932tK정   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data Abstract Table of Contents External related data 신(新) 프로이트 학파의 대가 에리히 프롬의『To Have or To Be』를 완역한 책. 현대인의 생활양식을 소유와 존재로 이분하여 살펴보고 있다. 소유와 존재의 양극 사이에서 다양하게 존재하는 인간들에게, 물질적 소유와 탐욕의 소유양식에서부터 창조하는 기쁨을 나누는 존재양식으로의 전환이 필요하다고 말한다. 또한 세밀한 관찰과 예리한 통찰력을 바탕으로, 그에 대한 실질적인 방안까지 제시하고 있다. Book review 삶에서 중요한 가치 - (진현정 | 2022-07-28 Write) Star point : 책의 저자인 에리히 프롬은 독일계 유대인으로 사회심리학자, 인문주의 철학자이다. 작가는 인간의 생존 양식을 소유 양식과 존재 양식으로 구별한다. 소유 양식은 재산, 지식, 사회적 지위, 권력 등의 소유를 중요시하는 것이다. 존재 양식은 자신의 능력을 능동적으로 중요시하는 것이다. 책의 주제는 ‘상실의 고통에 빠질 수밖에 없는 소유 양식을 따르지 말고 베풀며 사는 존재하는 삶을 살 자’이다. ‘doing보다 being’이라는 성경적 가치관을 배울 수 있다. 다소 철학적인 내용이라 수월하게 읽히지 않을 수 있다. 풍요로운 현대 사회에서 저자가 구분하는 양식 중 어떤 양식으로 살아갈지 고민해야 할 상황이 많다. 소유물에 중독되어 극복하지 못할 때 이 책을 읽으면 중요한 것이 무엇인지 깨달을 수 있다. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :92662 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 한젊은 유학자의 초상 : 靑年 王陽明 / 뚜 웨이밍 지음. ; 권미숙 옮김. Personal Name : 두유명 김용옥 권미숙, Publisher : 서울 : 통나무, 1994., 2006 Physical Description : 263 p. ; 23 cm. General Note : 解題 : 陽明根本義 / 김용옥 Bibliography Note : 색인포함 Subject : 왕양명 동양철학 --양명학 General Note : 0164020328206110 ISBN : 8982640592 : Call No : 181.235 두67한K권   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data offer external data Book review There is no registered book review. Why don t you be a hero of fist book reviewer. Write Title Close Comment Star point Release Save Rewrite * ID is not released. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > Search Summary Detail ABC Subject All TITL AUTH PUBN 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No AND OR NOT All TITL AUTH PUBN 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No AND OR NOT All TITL AUTH PUBN 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No Material Type All Book Period Thesis Reference materials Ancient Book Multimedia ETC Non-Book Specialized agencies material e-Book e-Journal WEB DB e-Learning Music materials Media All Abstract Annotation Table of Contents Text Image Option Publication Year - Language All Korean English Japanese Chinese French German Russian Spanish Arabic Italian Danish Dutch Hebrew Subject Sorted by Field Sorting selection Title Author Publisher Published year Order Select item Ascending Descending Search Multi Language Previous query 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

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