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[교내연계사이트] '학술정보'에 대한 검색 결과

교내사이트 (부서/기관) ( 1214건 )

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (5Among 5Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 월례포럼 . 기독교학술원 , 2009.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2009 - 2023]   기독교학술원 학술대회자료집 . 기독교학술원 , 2018.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2018 - 2021]   영성포럼 . 기독교학술원 , 2008.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2008 - 2023]   해외석학초청강좌 자료집 . 기독교학술원 , 2010.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2010 - 2019]   기독교의 핵심 . 기독교학술원 , 2020.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2020 - 2020]   1 Google Search result Limited item 기독교학술원(5) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (29Among 10Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item East Asian Economic Review . 대외경제정책연구원 , 1997.   - DB data : KISS [Offered year:1997 - 2024]   KIEP 세계경제 포커스 . 대외경제정책연구원 , 2023.   - DB data : KISS [Offered year:2023 - 2024]   KIEP 오늘의 세계경제 . 대외경제정책연구원 , 2023.   - DB data : KISS [Offered year:2023 - 2024]   KIEP 기초자료 . 대외경제정책연구원 , 2023.   - DB data : KISS [Offered year:2023 - 2024]   KIEP Opinions . 대외경제정책연구원 , 2023.   - DB data : KISS [Offered year:2023 - 2024]   World Economy Brief . 대외경제정책연구원 , 2023.   - DB data : KISS [Offered year:2023 - 2024]   대외경제정책연구원 세미나자료모음 . 대외경제정책연구원 , 1990.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1990 - 2019]   대외경제정책연구원 연구자료 . 대외경제정책연구원 , 1990.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1990 - 2017]   World Economy Brief . 대외경제정책연구원 , 2011.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2011 - 2023]   중국 성(省)별 동향 브리핑 . 대외경제정책연구원 , 2010.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2010 - 2013]     KIEP 북경사무소 브리핑. 대외경제정책연구원, 1998.   정책연구 브리핑. 대외경제정책연구원, 2011.   KIEP 아세안 브리핑. 대외경제정책연구원, 2016. 1 2 3 Google Search result Limited item 대외경제정책연구원(29) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (5Among 5Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 Workshop . 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 , 1998.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1998 - 1998]   서울대학교 심리과학연구소 결과보고서 . 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 , 2003.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2003 - 2003]   서울대학교 심리과학연구소 심포지엄 . 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 , 2000.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2000 - 2000]   심리학의 연구문제 . 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 , 1984.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1984 - 1998]   심리과학 . 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 , 1992.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1992 - 2003]   1 Google Search result Limited item 서울대학교 심리과학연구소(5) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (5Among 5Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 현대중국연구 . 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 , 1992.   - DB data : KISS [Offered year:1992 - 1998]   중국현대시장문화 . 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 , 2008.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2008 - 2008]   현대중국연구 Working Paper . 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 , 2006.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2006 - 2006]   중국전통산업문화 . 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 , 2008.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2008 - 2008]   국제학술회의 . 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 , 2008.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2008 - 2014]   1 Google Search result Limited item 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소(5) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (5Among 5Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 갑오개혁이후 병합전 한국인 관리 . 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 , 2019.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2019 - 2019]   일제하 지방자문기관 연구 . 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 , 2012.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2012 - 2012]   일제강점기 조선인 관리 . 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 , 2015.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2015 - 2015]   일제하 읍·면장 연구 . 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 , 2012.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2012 - 2012]   大韓民國官僚 . 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 , 2020.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2020 - 2022]   1 Google Search result Limited item 연세대학교 공공문제연구소(5) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (8Among 8Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 위기관리 이론과 실천 세미나발표논문집 . 위기관리 이론과 실천 , 2005.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2005 - 2017]   한국위기관리논집 . 위기관리 이론과 실천 , 2005.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2005 - 2023]   JSCM(Journal of Safety and Crisis Management) . 위기관리 이론과 실천 , 2011.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2011 - 2023]   Disastronomy . 위기관리 이론과 실천 , 2018.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2018 - 2022]   위기관리 이론과 실천 학술대회 . 위기관리 이론과 실천 , 2005.   - DB data : e-article [Offered year:2005 - 2017]   Journal of Safety and Crisis Management . 위기관리 이론과 실천 , 2011.   - DB data : e-article [Offered year:2011 - current]   Disastronomy . 위기관리 이론과 실천 , 2018.   - DB data : e-article [Offered year:2018 - current]   한국위기관리논집 . 위기관리 이론과 실천 , 2005.   - DB data : e-article [Offered year:2005 - current]   1 Google Search result Limited item 위기관리 이론과 실천(8) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (12Among 10Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 한국건설산업연구원 연구보고서 . 한국건설산업연구원 , 1995.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1995 - 2023]   한국건설산업연구원 연구자료 . 한국건설산업연구원 , 1995.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1995 - 2011]   한국건설산업연구원 CERIK WORKING . 한국건설산업연구원 , 1996.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1996 - 2000]   한국건설산업연구원 건설동향브리핑 . 한국건설산업연구원 , 1996.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1996 - 2023]   월간 건설·부동산 동향(구 월간건설경기동향) . 한국건설산업연구원 , 2007.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2007 - 2023]     (大韓建設協會) 서울特別市會 四十年史 / 대한건설협회. 서울특별시회. 대한건설협회 서울특별시회, 2001.   건설품질= Construction & quality / 한국 건설품질관리연구원. 韓國建設品質管理硏究院, 1995.   건설 프로젝트의 코스트 리스크 분석에 관한 연구= A Study on the Cost Risk analysis in the construction projects / 오세대. 釜山大學校, 2001. 건설경기전망 . 한국건설산업연구원 , 2000.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2000 - 2016]   한국건설산업연구원 경영연구자료 . 한국건설산업연구원 , 1997.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1997 - 1999]   건설기업경기실사지수(CBSI) . 한국건설산업연구원 , 2012.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2012 - 2023]   한국건설산업연구원 정책연구자료 . 한국건설산업연구원 , 1997.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1997 - 2009]   한국건설산업연구원 WORKING PAPER . 한국건설산업연구원 , 2000.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2000 - 2006]   1 2 Google Search result Limited item 한국건설산업연구원(12) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (19Among 10Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 창&론 . 한국경제연구원 , 2010.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2010 - 2011]   KERI Insight . 한국경제연구원 , 2000.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2000 - 2023]   한국경제연구원 정책연구 . 한국경제연구원 , 1986.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1986 - 2021]   KERI BRIC·Ks Reports . 한국경제연구원 , 2006.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2006 - 2006]     1994년도 세계경제전망과 한국경제 / 한국경제연구원. 한국경제연구원, 1993.   韓國經濟 分期計量模型 / 이영선. 한국경제연구원, 1990.   신종 인플루엔자 대유행의 경제적 영향 / 조경엽. 한국경제연구원, 2009. 규제개혁 종합연구 . 한국경제연구원 , 2007.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2007 - 2007]   Economic Bulletin . 한국경제연구원 , 2000.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2000 - 2017]   한국경제연구원 세미나자료 . 한국경제연구원 , 2003.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2003 - 2020]   한국경제연구원 기타 간행물 . 한국경제연구원 , 1997.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1997 - 2014]   KERI Brief . 한국경제연구원 , 2011.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2011 - 2023]   한국경제연구원 연구총서 . 한국경제연구원 , 1981.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1981 - 2012]   1 2 Google Search result Limited item 한국경제연구원(19) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (8Among 8Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 유적조사발표회 . 한국고고학회 , 2012.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2012 - 2013]   한국고고학연합대회 . 한국고고학회 , 2011.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2011 - 2011]   한국고고학회 학술대회(춘계) . 한국고고학회 , 2017.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2017 - 2023]     백산학회 학술대회 및 워크샵 자료. 백산학회, 2016.   한국생태환경사학회 학술대회 자료집. 한국생태환경사학회, 2016. 한국고고학회 학술회의 . 한국고고학회 , 2016.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2016 - 2018]   한국고고학전국대회 발표문 . 한국고고학회 , 1985.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1985 - 2023]   한국고고학보 . 한국고고학회 , 1976.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1976 - 2023]   고고학-역사학 협의회 학술대회 . 한국고고학회 , 2016.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2016 - 2016]   전국역사학대회 . 한국고고학회 , 2000.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2000 - 2023]   1 Google Search result Limited item 한국고고학회(8) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (6Among 6Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 한국교원교육학회 뉴스레터 . 한국교원교육학회 , 2003.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2003 - 2023]   한국교원교육연구 . 한국교원교육학회 , 1984.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1984 - 2023]   한국교원교육학회 학술대회자료집 . 한국교원교육학회 , 2003.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2003 - 2023]   한국교원교육학회 학술대회 . 한국교원교육학회 , 2003.   - DB data : e-article [Offered year:2003 - current]   한국교원교육학회 세미나 . 한국교원교육학회 , 2005.   - DB data : e-article [Offered year:2005 - 2006]   한국교원교육연구 . 한국교원교육학회 , 1984.   - DB data : e-article [Offered year:1984 - current]     The political dimension in teacher education: comparative perspectives on policy formation, socialization, and society / Ginsburg, Mark B. Falmer Press, 1995.   Teacher education and practice : the journal of the Texas Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (TACTE) / Texas Association of Colleges of Teacher Education. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2015.   Teacher education and practice : the journal of the Texas Association of Colleges of Teacher Education. 1 Google Search result Limited item 한국교원교육학회(6) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (7Among 7Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item Journal of Korea Trade (JKT) . 한국무역학회 , 2005.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2005 - 2023]     미국 FTA 정책의 전개와 시사점= (The)evolution of US policy toword free trade agreements and implications for Korea / 정인교. 對外經濟政策硏究院, 1998.   Journal of Korea Trade / Korea Trade Research Association. Korea Trade Research Association, 199u.   Trade policy review, Korea / World Trade Organization. World Trade Organization, 19uu. 무역학회지 . 한국무역학회 , 1975-06-01.   - DB data : dbpia [Offered year:1975-06-01 - 2023-12-31]   한국무역학회 국제학술대회 . 한국무역학회 , 1989-12-01.   - DB data : dbpia [Offered year:1989-12-01 - 2023-07-04]   무역학자 전국대회 발표논문집 . 한국무역학회 , 2000-06-01.   - DB data : dbpia [Offered year:2000-06-01 - 2022-08-26]   한국무역학회 학술대회 . 한국무역학회 , 1983-03-01.   - DB data : dbpia [Offered year:1983-03-01 - 2023-12-08]   한국무역학회 세미나 및 토론회 . 한국무역학회 , 1983-07-09.   - DB data : dbpia [Offered year:1983-07-09 - 2023-02-23]   한국무역학회 간행물 . 한국무역학회 , 1994-07-01.   - DB data : dbpia [Offered year:1994-07-01 - 2007-12-01]   1 Google Search result Limited item 한국무역학회(7) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (9Among 9Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 젠더리뷰 . 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) , 2003.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2003 - 2023]   젠더와 입법 Brief . 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) , 2013.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2013 - 2020]   여성연구 . 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) , 2002.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2002 - 2023]   KWDI Brief . 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) , 2007.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2007 - 2023]   한국여성정책연구원 연구보고서 . 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) , 1983.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1983 - 2023]   ISSUE PAPER . 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) , 2013.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2013 - 2023]   한국여성개발원 기타간행물 . 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) , 2003.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2003 - 2010]   한국여성정책연구원 세미나자료 . 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) , 1997.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1997 - 2023]   GSPR(Gender Studies and Policy Review) . 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) , 2008.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2008 - 2018]   1 Google Search result Limited item 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원)(9) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (9Among 9Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 산경연구논집(JIDB) . 한국유통과학회 , 2010.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2010 - 2024]   The Asian Journal of Business Environment(AJBE) . 한국유통과학회 , 2019.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2019 - 2024]     Market-Based approaches for managing the Asian environment : a review / Gunatilake, Herath. Asian Development Bank, 2008.   중국의 비즈니스환경 변화와 외자기업의 대응전략 = Changes in Chinas business environment and the strategies of foreign-invested enterprises / 박월라. 대외경제정책연구원, 2006. East Asian Journal of Business Management . 한국유통과학회 , 2011.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2011 - 2019]   연구윤리 . 한국유통과학회 , 2020.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2020 - 2021]   유통과학연구(JDS) . 한국유통과학회 , 1999.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1999 - 2023]   International Forum on Distribution Convergence (IFDC) . 한국유통과학회 , 2015.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2015 - 2023]     A treatise on political economy; or, The production, distribution & consumption of wealth / Say, Jean Baptiste. A. M. Kelley, bookseller, 1964.   Industry structure convergence and income inequality in the U.S. states: implications for the distributional effect of globalization / 김정호. Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University, 2003. 한국유통과학회 학술대회 논문집 . 한국유통과학회 , 2004.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2004 - 2020]   KODISA ICBE (International Conference on Business and Economics) . 한국유통과학회 , 2011.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2011 - 2023]   The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business(JAFEB) . 한국유통과학회 , 2014.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2014 - 2023]     The Quarterly review of economics and business / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Bureau of Economic and Business Research. Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Chamapign [etc.], 1980.   經濟論叢= Journal of economics and business / 명지대학교. 경제연구소. 明知大學校 經濟硏究所, 1985. 1 Google Search result Limited item 한국유통과학회(9) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (6Among 6Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item Plant breeding and biotechnology . 한국육종학회 , 2013.   - DB data : KISS [Offered year:2013 - 2024]   한국육종학회지 . 한국육종학회 , 1969.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1969 - 2023]   Plant breeding and biotechnology . 한국육종학회 , 2013.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2013 - 2023]   한국육종학회 학술발표회지 . 한국육종학회 , 2006.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2006 - 2019]   한국육종학회 공동학술발표집 . 한국육종학회 , 2018.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2018 - 2023]   한국육종학회지=Korean Journal of Breeding . 한국육종학회 , 12-1-2009.   - DB data : ASC [Offered year:12-1-2009 - Present]   1 Google Search result Limited item 한국육종학회(6) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (8Among 8Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 한국지역개발학회지 . 한국지역개발학회 , 1989.   - DB data : KISS [Offered year:1989 - 2024]   한국지역개발학회 추계학술발표논문집 . 한국지역개발학회 , 2002.   - DB data : KISS [Offered year:2002 - 2002]   산업단지 활성화를 위한 학술세미나 . 한국지역개발학회 , 2003.   - DB data : KISS [Offered year:2003 - 2003]   한국지역개발학회 세미나 논문집 . 한국지역개발학회 , 2000.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2000 - 2017]   한국지역개발학회지 . 한국지역개발학회 , 1989.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1989 - 2023]   한국지역개발학회지 . 한국지역개발학회 , 1989.   - DB data : e-article [Offered year:1989 - current]   한국지역개발학회지 . 한국지역개발학회 , 1989-12-01.   - DB data : dbpia [Offered year:1989-12-01 - 2023-12-31]   한국지역개발학회 학술대회 . 한국지역개발학회 , 2008-10-01.   - DB data : dbpia [Offered year:2008-10-01 - 2023-10-21]   1 Google Search result Limited item 한국지역개발학회(8) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (6Among 6Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 세미나 및 회의자료 . 한국청소년상담복지개발원 , 1993.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1993 - 2017]   상담사례연구집 . 한국청소년상담복지개발원 , 1993.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1993 - 2016]   청소년상담연구(총서) . 한국청소년상담복지개발원 , 1993.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1993 - 2019]     인간행동의 이해 : 심리학 / 최정훈. 법문사, 1993.   프로이트 심리학 입문 / Hall, Calvin S. 범우사, 1992. 교육 및 프로그램 자료 . 한국청소년상담복지개발원 , 1993.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1993 - 2018]   청소년상담연구(학술지) . 한국청소년상담복지개발원 , 1993.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1993 - 2022]     인간행동의 이해 : 심리학 / 최정훈. 법문사, 1993.   프로이트 심리학 입문 / Hall, Calvin S. 범우사, 1992. 청소년상담문제연구보고서 . 한국청소년상담복지개발원 , 1993.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1993 - 2013]   1 Google Search result Limited item 한국청소년상담복지개발원(6) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (6Among 6Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item 특수교육학회지 . 한국특수교육학회 , 1977.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1977 - 1998]   한국특수교육의 발전과제 . 한국특수교육학회 , 1986.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1986 - 1997]   특수교육논총 . 한국특수교육학회 , 1977.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1977 - 2012]   특수교육학연구 . 한국특수교육학회 , 1998.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1998 - 2023]   한국특수교육학회 학술대회 . 한국특수교육학회 , 1987.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1987 - 2023]   한국특수교육학회 기타 간행물 . 한국특수교육학회 , 1991.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:1991 - 2008]   1 Google Search result Limited item 한국특수교육학회(6) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (10Among 10Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item Protection Convergence . J-INSTITUTE , 2016.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2016 - 2023]   Kinesiology . J-INSTITUTE , 2016.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2016 - 2023]   International Journal of Terrorism & National Security . J-INSTITUTE , 2016.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2016 - 2023]   Regulations (구 International Journal of Police and Policing) . J-INSTITUTE , 2016.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2016 - 2023]     法律事務便覽 / 서울지방변호사회, 1984.   法과 生活 /: 權龍雨 著 / 권용우. 신양출판사, 1975.   普通去來約款의 硏究 / 서울종합변호사회, 1983. Public Value . J-INSTITUTE , 2016.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2016 - 2023]   Robotics & AI Ethics . J-INSTITUTE , 2016.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2016 - 2023]   International Journal of Martial Arts . J-INSTITUTE , 2016.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2016 - 2023]   International Journal of Human & Disaster . J-INSTITUTE , 2016.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2016 - 2023]   International Journal of Crisis & Safety . J-INSTITUTE , 2016.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2016 - 2023]   International Journal of Military Affairs . J-INSTITUTE , 2016.   - DB data : 교보문고스콜라 [Offered year:2016 - 2023]   1 Google Search result Limited item J-institute(10) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Search Results

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (15228Among 10Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item Journal of the London Mathematical Society . John Wiley & Sons , 1926.   - DB data : Wiley Online Library [Offered year:1926 - 2024]   Annual Review of Biochemistry . Annual Reviews , 1932-01-01.   - DB data : Annual Reviews [Offered year:19320101 - 20241231]   Annual Review of Microbiology . Annual Reviews , 1947-01-01.   - DB data : Annual Reviews [Offered year:19470101 - 20241231]   Annual Review of Physiology . Annual Reviews , 1939-01-01.   - DB data : Annual Reviews [Offered year:19390101 - 20241231]   American Journal of Optometry . Wolters Kluwer Health _ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , 1925-08-01.   - DB data : LWW Premier Journals [Offered year:1925-08-01 - 1940-12-01]   American Journal of Optometry and Archives of American Academy of Optometry . Wolters Kluwer Health _ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , 1941-01-01.   - DB data : LWW Premier Journals [Offered year:1941-01-01 - 1973-12-01]     Synopsis of corneal contact lens fitting for optometirists / Mazow, Bernard. Burgess, 1962.   Optometry - Journal of the American Optometric Association. Elsevier, 2004.   Synopsis of glaucoma for optometrists / Shlaifer, Arthur. Burgess Publishing Co, 1960. Annals of Surgery . Wolters Kluwer Health _ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , 1885-01-01.   - DB data : LWW Premier Journals [Offered year:1885-01-01 - 2016-12-01]   Archives of Occupational Therapy . Wolters Kluwer Health _ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , 1922-02-01.   - DB data : LWW Premier Journals [Offered year:1922-02-01 - 1924-12-01]   Bulletin of the Association of American Medical Colleges . Wolters Kluwer Health _ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , 1926-07-01.   - DB data : LWW Premier Journals [Offered year:1926-07-01 - 1928-10-01]     The detection of abandoned land mines: a humanitarian imperative seeking a technical solution : 7-9th October, 1996 / organised by the Convention of National Societies of Electrical Engineers of Europe (EUREL) under the sponsorship of the Institution of Electrical Engineers with the support of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in association with the Chinese Institute of Electronics ... [et al.] / Convention of National Societies of Electrical Engineers of Western Europe. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1996.   The book of quinte essence or the fifth being;: that is to say, mans heaven. A tretice in Englisch breuely drawe out of pe book of quintis essencijs in Latyn, pat Hermys pe prophete and kyng of Egipt, after pe flood of Noe fadir of philosophris, hadde by reuelacioun of an aungil of God to him sende. Ed. from the Sloane ms. 73, about 1460-70 A.D / Furnivall, Frederick James. Boydell & Brewer, 1998.   金東里小說에 나타난 샤머니즘과 基督敎 : A study of Shamanism and Christianity of Kim, dong-ris Novel/ , , 을 中心으로 / 이상근. 江原大學校, 1991. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery . Wolters Kluwer Health _ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , 1948-01-01.   - DB data : LWW Premier Journals [Offered year:1948-01-01 - 2016-12-21]   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next » End » Google Search result Limited item 1950이전(15229) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950s (252)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

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History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Search Results 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.  All Title Author Publisher 총서명 Table of Contents Subject Title Classification No Call No ISBN ISSN Registration No Content No search within results Results Article Possession data search result (252Among 10Counts displayed) View2Step All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 Select all View detail Send Put collection Save View save box Ok Sorted By Title Publisher Pub. Year Call No. Latest Popularity Order Desc Asc 10Item 20Item 50Item 100Item Mathematika . John Wiley & Sons , 1954.   - DB data : Wiley Online Library [Offered year:1954 - 2024]   Annual Review of Entomology . Annual Reviews , 1956-01-01.   - DB data : Annual Reviews [Offered year:19560101 - 20241231]   Annual Review of Medicine . Annual Reviews , 1950-01-01.   - DB data : Annual Reviews [Offered year:19500101 - 20241231]   Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science . Annual Reviews , 1952-01-01.   - DB data : Annual Reviews [Offered year:19520101 - 20241231]   Annual Review of Physical Chemistry . Annual Reviews , 1950-01-01.   - DB data : Annual Reviews [Offered year:19500101 - 20241231]   Annual Review of Plant Biology . Annual Reviews , 1950-01-01.   - DB data : Annual Reviews [Offered year:19500101 - 20241231]   Annual Review of Psychology . Annual Reviews , 1950-01-01.   - DB data : Annual Reviews [Offered year:19500101 - 20241231]   American Journal of Physical Medicine . Wolters Kluwer Health _ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , 1952-02-01.   - DB data : LWW Premier Journals [Offered year:1952-02-01 - 1987-12-01]   Clinical Orthopaedics . Wolters Kluwer Health _ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , 1953-01-01.   - DB data : LWW Premier Journals [Offered year:1953-01-01 - 1962-01-01]   Journal of Medical Education . Wolters Kluwer Health _ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , 1951-05-01.   - DB data : LWW Premier Journals [Offered year:1951-05-01 - 1988-12-01]   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next » End » Google Search result Limited item 1950년대(252) Refine Search Result Location (1) Sejong University Library (35,336) Content Type (1) e-Journal (35,336) Publish year (9) ~ Limit 2020s (1,170) 2010s (3,163) 2000s (4,638) 1990s (7,502) 1980s (1,458)  View more result (4) 1970s (1,021) 1960s (599) 1950이전 (15,229)  Hide result Publisher (20) 대외경제정책연구원 (29) 한국경제연구원 (19) 한국건설산업연구원 (12) 개인저작물 (11) J-institute (10)  View more result (15) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) (9) 한국유통과학회 (9) 위기관리 이론과 실천 (8) 한국고고학회 (8) 한국지역개발학회 (8) 한국무역학회 (7) 한국교원교육학회 (6) 한국육종학회 (6) 한국청소년상담복지개발원 (6) 한국특수교육학회 (6) 건강복지정책연구원 (5) 기독교학술원 (5) 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 (5) 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 (5) 연세대학교 공공문제연구소 (5)  Hide result More search result 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

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