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[교내연계사이트] '정보원'에 대한 검색 결과

교내사이트 (부서/기관) ( 1216건 )

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - 온라인투표

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Board > 온라인투표  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할 수 없습니다. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Report of a Book not in the Shelf

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > My Library > Report of a Book not in the Shelf  If an item cannot be located on the shelf and it is not currently charged to another user, a search may be requested at the owning library’s Loan Desk. This initates a process of the Library staff searching for the missing item. If the items is located, the user will be notified. Library website Log in Search items Click status of item ‘서’ Click Click OK button 로그인이 필요합니다. 이동 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Lending and Renewal, Reservation

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > My Library > Lending and Renewal, Reservation  로그인이 필요합니다. 이동 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Application for Materials in Storage

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > My Library > Application for Materials in Storage  로그인이 필요합니다. 이동 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Visit Permission to Other Libraries

    로그인이 필요합니다. 이동

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - My서재/Tag/Search/서평

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > My Library > My서재/Tag/Search/서평  My Collection Tag Search Review 로그인이 필요합니다. 이동 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - My서재/Tag/Search/서평

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > My Library > My서재/Tag/Search/서평  My Collection Tag Search Review 로그인이 필요합니다. 이동 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - My서재/Tag/Search/서평

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > My Library > My서재/Tag/Search/서평  My Collection Tag Search Review 로그인이 필요합니다. 이동 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - My서재/Tag/Search/서평

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > My Library > My서재/Tag/Search/서평  My Collection Tag Search Review 로그인이 필요합니다. 이동 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - 전체 현황 요약

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  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - 전자저널

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > 전자저널 Summary Detail ABC All A B C D E F G H I J K L M Etc. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeral 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

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    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Previous search keyword No Search word Search count Search scope Select all 1 10 전자저널 Save 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - 인기도서

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > 인기도서 스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할 수 없습니다. Select division : All All Type Philosophy Religion Social science Language learning Natural science Applied science Art Literature History Select term :   2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ~ 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 인기자료 조회 리스트 Rank Data name Author Number of book lending 1 채식주의자 : 한강 장편소설 한강 83 2 (체사레 벡카리아의) 범죄와 형벌 Beccaria, Cesare 37 3 군주론 Machiavelli, Niccolò 35 4 채식주의자 : 한강 연작소설 한강 35 5 페스트 Camus, Albert 30 6 한비자 한비자 23 7 채근담 홍자성 19 8 심리학과 종교 Jung, C. G 19 9 종(種)의 기원 Darwin, Charles Robert 18 10 걸리버 여행기 Swift, Jonathan 17 11 총균쇠 : 인간 사회의 운명을 바꾼 힘 Diamond, Jared M 16 12 논어 공자 14 13 과학혁명의 구조 Kuhn, Thomas S 14 14 맹자 맹자 13 15 같기도 하고 아니 같기도 하고 Hoffmann, Roald 13 16 게르마니아 Tacitus, Cornelius 13 17 파한집 이인로 13 18 역사란 무엇인가 Carr, Edward Hallett 12 19 생활의 발견 림어당 12 20 도덕적 인간과 비도덕적 사회 Niebuhr, Reinhold 11 21 대학·중용 주희= 朱憙, 1130-1200 11 22 소유냐 삶이냐 Fromn, Erich 11 23 백년 동안의 고독 Garcia Marquez, Gabriel 11 24 宗敎의 意味와 目的 Smith, Wilfred Cantwell 11 25 소유냐 삶이냐 Fromn, Erich 10 26 오래된 미래 : 라다크로부터 배운다 Norberg-Hodge, Helena 10 27 AI 이후의 세계 : 챗GPT는 시작일 뿐이다, 세계질서 대전환에 대비하라 Kissinger, Henry A 9 28 종의 기원 Darwin, Charles 9 29 군주론 Machiavelli, Niccolo 8 30 종교의 자연사 Hume, David 8 31 총, 균, 쇠 : 무기,병균,금속은 인류의 운명을 어떻게 바꿨는가 Diamond, Jared M 7 32 (프렌즈) 방콕 안진헌 7 33 서유견문 유길준 7 34 파우스트 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 7 35 (플라톤의) 국가(政體) Platon 7 36 국화와칼 루스 베네딕트 6 37 완전한 행복 : 정유정 장편소설 정유정 6 38 (염상섭 장편소설) 삼대 염상섭 6 39 열하일기 박지원 6 40 정치학 Aristoteles 6 41 오만과 편견 Austen, Jane 6 42 (존 스튜어트 밀) 자유론 Mill, John Stuart 6 43 키케로의 의무론 : 그의 아들에게 보낸 편지 Cicero, Marcus Tullius 6 44 사기열전 v.1 사마천 6 45 모순 : 양귀자 소설 양귀자 5 46 물고기는 존재하지 않는다 : 상실, 사랑 그리고 숨어 있는 삶의 질서에 관한 이야기 Miller, Lulu 5 47 불편한 편의점 : 김호연 장편소설 v.1 김호연 5 48 당신들의 천국 이청준 5 49 간디 자서전 : 정신적 지도자 간디의 위대한 생애 Gandhi 5 50 관광국사 서원각. 자격시험연구소 5 51 발생의 원리 Wolpert, Lewis 5 52 북학의 박제가 5 53 사회계약론 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 5 54 방법서설 : 정신지도를 위한 규칙들 Descartes, Rene 5 55 파친코 : 이민진 장편소설 v.1 Lee, Min Jin 4 56 돌이킬 수 있는 = 문목하 장편소설 문목하 4 57 달러구트 꿈 백화점 : 주문하신 꿈은 매진입니다 : 이미예 장편소설 이미예 4 58 (켈러의) 경영경제통계학 : 엑셀의 실전적 활용 Keller, Gerald 4 59 수리물리학 Boas, Mary L 4 60 Visual C++6 완벽가이드 김용성 4 61 쉬운성경& the message 한영성경 Peterson, Eugene H 4 62 카네기 인간관계론 Carnegie, Dale 4 63 차라투스트라는 이렇게 말했다 Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900 4 64 공기조화 및 냉동 McQuiston, Faye C 4 65 당신이 누군가를 죽였다 동야규오 3 66 (캐릭터 제작을 위한) 블렌더 3D 모델링&렌더링 : 3D 기초부터 스컬프팅, 토폴로지, 실사 같은 재질, 애니메이션 표현까지! 3dtotal Publishing 3 67 버리기 잘한 습관들 : 삶을 바로 세우는 신앙의 원칙 박길웅 3 68 남에게 보여주려고 인생을 낭비하지 마라 : 쇼펜하우어 소품집 Schopenhauer, Arthur 3 69 컴퓨터 비전과 딥러닝 오일석 3 70 청대 중국의 경기변동과 시장 : 전제국가의 협치와 경제성장 홍성화 3 71 이것이 자료구조 + 알고리즘이다 : with C 언어 박상현 3 72 파친코 : 이민진 장편소설 v.2 Lee, Min Jin 3 73 불편한 편의점 : 김호연 장편소설 v.2 김호연 3 74 (Ross의)핵심재무관리 Ross, Stephen A 3 75 구의 증명 : 최진영 소설 최진영 3 76 영문법 다시 읽기 : 동사 박영재 3 77 해리포터 v.1-1 Rowling, Joan K 3 78 해리포터 v.1-2 Rowling, Joan K 3 79 (데일 카네기)인간관계론 Carnegie, Dale 3 80 시선으로부터 : 정세랑 장편소설 정세랑 3 81 우리가 빛의 속도로 갈 수 없다면 : 김초엽 소설 김초엽 3 82 한국어 교육의 이론과 실제 v.1 서울대학교. 한국어문학연구소 3 83 한국어 교육의 이론과 실제 v.2 서울대학교. 한국어문학연구소 3 84 한국현대사 차하순 3 85 토목기사·토목산업기사 : 핵심이론 및 기출문제·예상문제 총정리 v.3 한솔아카데미 3 86 백설공주에게 죽음을 Neuhaus, Nele 3 87 달과 6펜스 Maugham, W. Somerset 3 88 Dance composition basics Sofras, Pamela 3 89 (외국어로서의) 한국어교육학 개론 허용 3 90 황금 물고기 Clezio, Le 3 91 목마른 계절 전혜린 3 92 삼포 가는 길(外) 황석영 3 93 한젊은 유학자의 초상 : 靑年 王陽明 두유명 3 94 퀸의 대각선 : 베르나르 베르베르 장편소설 v.1 Werber, Bernard 2 95 사람은 왜 만질 수 없는 날씨를 살게 되나요 : 최현우 시집 최현우 2 96 새로 쓰는 우리 고대사 서의식 2 97 분열하는 제국 : 11개의 미국, 그 라이벌들의 각축전 Woodard, Colin 2 98 반도체 공학 = 그림으로 보여주는 반도체의 핵심 원리 김동명 2 99 아이가 없는 집 Ahndoril, Alex 2 100 똑똑한 식물학 잡학사전 전중수 2 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - 교외접속서비스

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  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - 타대학열람신청

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  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - 전체 현황 요약

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  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - 스터디룸예약

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  • 학술정보원 E-Learning 강좌 마일리지 부여 기준 - 세종대학교 교육혁신처

    세종포탈 학사정보시스템 학생경력개발시스템 학술정보원 온라인강의실 두드림(비교과통합지원시스템) 로그인 세종대학교 교수학습개발센터 교수지원 FL 프로그램 PBL 프로그램 교수법연구모임 교수...과통합지원 센터소개 비교과프로그램 분류 안내 공지사항 학술정보원 E-Learning 강좌 마일리지 부여 기준 작성일자2019-03-07 17:02:11 조회4,287 안녕하세요. 비교과통합지원센터입니다. 학술정보원 E

  • 세종대학교 홍보실

    단신 학술정보원... ▲학술정보원 전경사진 학술정보원이 학과별 학습정보 서비스의 영문 가이드를 제작해 공개했다. 학과별 학습정보 서비스는 연구학습지원 서비스의 일환으로 단행...에 새로 공개된 학과별 학습정보 서비스의 영문 가이드는 최근 학술정보원 이용 비율이 급격히 증가한 외국인 학생들을 위해 제작됐다. 학과별 학습정보 서비스의 영문 가이드는 세종대학교 학술정보원 연구학습지원 서비스 홈페이지(https://sejong-kr.libguides.com/)에서 확인할 수 있다. 학술정보원 정보운영과는 “학술정보원은 앞으로도 외국

  • 세종대학교 대외협력처

    제목 [학술정보원] 외국인유학생을 위한 학술정보원 교육 안내 / [Library] Training for How to use e-resources 작성자 SOS (sophiehklee) 작성일 2024.09.11 14:24:21 조회 49 첨부 자세한 정보는 아래 링크를 통해 확인하시기 바랍니다 / For details, please see the link:  https://do.sejong.ac.kr/ko/program/all/view/3396 NO Program Date & Time Enrollment Notes 1 Library guide for intl Students (Online Class) Sep.26th (Thu) 14:30 Enrollment https

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  12. 다음마지막페이지