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[교내연계사이트] '대학'에 대한 검색 결과

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    HOME > 기금안내> 세제혜택 개인기부 법인기부 상속기부 구분 비고 개인기부 (근로소득자, 개인사업자) 해당 과세기간에 지급한 기부 금액의 15% (기부금액이 1천만원을 초과하는 경우 30%)를 세액공제 받으실 수 있습니다. *세액공제 대상 금액 한도: 근로소득금액 - 정치자금기부금 총급여액 구간 공제율(%) 근로소득공제 누적금액(만원) 500만원 이하 70% 총급여액의 70% 500만원 초과 - 1,500만원 이하 40% 350만원+500만원 초과액의 40% 1,500만원 초과 - 4,500만원 이하 15% 750만원+1,500만원 초과액의 15% 4,500만원 초과 - 1억원 이하 5% 1,200만원+4,500만원 초과액의 5% 1억원 초과 2% 1,475만원+1억원 초과액의 2% 1천 200만원 이하 과세표준의 6% 1천만원 초과 4천600만원 이하 72만원+1천 200만원 초과금액의 15% 4천 600만원 초과 8천 800만원 이하 582만원+4천 600만원 초과금액의 24% 8천 800만원 초과 3억원 이하 1천 590만원+8천 800만원 초과금액의 35% 3억원 초과 9천 10만원+3억원 초과금액의 38% 소득금액 한도내에서 연말정산 또는 종합소득세 신고시 소득공제로 인정 받을 수 있습니다. 구분 비고 법인기부 (주식회사, 법인단체) 해당 사업연도의 연간 소득금액의 50% 범위에서 손금에 산입하고 손비처리 인정 받을 수 있습니다. 2억원 이하 과세표준의 100분의 10% 2억원 초과 200억원 이하 2,000만원 +2억원을 초과하는 금액의 20% 200억원 초과 39억 8천만원+200억원 초과하는 금액의 22% 소득금액 (국가 등에 대한 기부금과 이월결손금 공제후)의 50% 한도내에서 전액 비용으로 인정받을 수 있습니다. 기부금 전액이 상속세 과세대상에서 제외됩니다. 다만, 상속개시일로부터 6개월이내에 기부하셔야 합니다.

  • 세종대학교 발전기금 - 기부참여

    HOME > 기부참여> 기부 참여하기 개인정보수집이용 및 제3자 제공동의 * 수집 및 이용목적: 기부약정 관리, 기부금영수증 발급, 기부자 예우, 학교 소식지 제공 * 수집항목: 성명, 본교와의 관계, 전화번호, 주소, 이메일, 기부약정정보, (자동이체 시) 계좌정보   동의함   동의하지 않음 * 기부입력을 위한 고유식별정보(주민등록번호) 수집은 기부금품의 모집 및 사용에 관한 법률 제4조 1항(기부금품의 모집등록)에 따라 수집합니다. * 보유 및 이용기간: 기부자 삭제 요청 시까지 * 개인정보를 제공받는 자(자동이체 신청 시에만 해당): 금융결제원 및 은행 등 금융기관   동의함   동의하지 않음 * 신청자는 개인정보의 수집 및 이용을 거부할 수 있습니다. 단, 동의 거부 시 기부약정신청 및 예우제공이 제한될 수 있습니다.

  • 세종대학교 대외협력처

    등록된 캠페인 정보가 없습니다.

  • 세종대학교 대외협력처

    5개씩 보기 10개씩 보기 30개씩 보기 세종사이버대 김지철 총장(전 세종대 부총장), 1억원 발전... 대외협력과 | 2013.05.29 조회 : 1485 회화과 심경자 교수, 1억 원 발전기금 기부 대외협력과 | 2013.05.29 조회 : 1208 (주)카페베네 발전기금 1억원 쾌척 대외협력과 | 2013.05.29 조회 : 1202 ‹ 1 › 제목 내용 작성자

  • 세종대학교 행복기숙사

  • 세종대학교 공공기숙사

  • 세종대학교 - 인문-IT융합연구원 Humanity-IT Convergence Research Center


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  • 세종대학교 - 창업지원단


  • 세종대학교 국제교육원

    subject 2024학년도 가을학기 반 배정 결과 안내 / Class Assignment Results for Fall 2024 Semester writer 국제교육원 (admin) Date 2024.08.30 13:27:09 Hits 530 attach Students enrolled in the Fall 2024 semester at the Center for International Education (CIE), Sejong University, can check their class assignment results starting from 9:00 a.m. on September 2 at the following link: [Check Your Class for Fall 2024] After entering your passport number, you will receive your student ID number, class assignment, classroom location, and class schedule.  Additionally, class assignment results will be posted on the walls of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors of the Kimwon building. Orientation Schedule: - Morning Classes: Students assigned to morning classes are required to be in their assigned classrooms by 11:00 a.m. on September 2 for orientation. - Afternoon Classes: Students assigned to afternoon classes are required to be in their assigned classrooms by 1:40 p.m. on September 2 for orientation. If you have any inquiries, please contact us at ili@sejong.ac.kr. previous 24 가을학기 반편성고사 일정 / 24 Fall Academic Class Placement Test Schedule next 2024 가을학기 오리엔테이션 유인물 / 2024 Fall Orientation Materials for New Students

  • 세종대학교 국제교육원

    subject 2024 가을학기 오리엔테이션 유인물 / 2024 Fall Orientation Materials for New Students writer 국제교육원 (admin) Date 2024.09.02 09:49:03 Hits 157 attach CIE SEJONG_New Students Orientation (2024 Fall)_English.pdf CIE SEJONG_New Students Orientation (2024 Fall)_Chinese.pdf CIE SEJONG_New Students Orientation (2024 Fall)_Vietnamese.pdf CIE SEJONG_New Students Orientation (2024 Fall)_Japanese.pdf 2024학년도 가을학기 신입생 오리엔테이션 유인물을 첨부하오니 확인하시기 바랍니다. Please find the attached handout materials for new students of 2024 Fall. 2024학년도 가을학기 학사일정 previous 2024학년도 가을학기 반 배정 결과 안내 / Class Assignment Results for Fall 2024 Semester next 2024 세계랑 탈탈 탈춤 공연 참가자 모집 / Recruitment for Korean Dance Talchum Performance

  • 세종대학교 국제교육원

    subject 2024 세계랑 탈탈 탈춤 공연 참가자 모집 / Recruitment for Korean Dance Talchum Performance writer 국제교육원 (admin) Date 2024.09.03 17:25:19 Hits 106 attach 2024 세계랑 탈탈 탈춤 공연 참가자 모집 / Recruitment for Korean Dance Talchum Performance previous 2024 가을학기 오리엔테이션 유인물 / 2024 Fall Orientation Materials for New Students next 2024 가을학기 단체 외국인 등록 신청 / 2024 Fall Foreign Resident Registration

  • 세종대학교 국제교육원

    subject 2024학년도 가을학기 반 배정 결과 안내 / Class Assignment Results for Fall 2024 Semester writer 국제교육원 (admin) Date 2024.08.30 13:27:09 Hits 530 attach Students enrolled in the Fall 2024 semester at the Center for International Education (CIE), Sejong University, can check their class assignment results starting from 9:00 a.m. on September 2 at the following link: [Check Your Class for Fall 2024] After entering your passport number, you will receive your student ID number, class assignment, classroom location, and class schedule.  Additionally, class assignment results will be posted on the walls of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors of the Kimwon building. Orientation Schedule: - Morning Classes: Students assigned to morning classes are required to be in their assigned classrooms by 11:00 a.m. on September 2 for orientation. - Afternoon Classes: Students assigned to afternoon classes are required to be in their assigned classrooms by 1:40 p.m. on September 2 for orientation. If you have any inquiries, please contact us at ili@sejong.ac.kr. previous 24 가을학기 반편성고사 일정 / 24 Fall Academic Class Placement Test Schedule next 2024 가을학기 오리엔테이션 유인물 / 2024 Fall Orientation Materials for New Students

  • 세종대학교 국제교육원

    subject 2024 가을학기 오리엔테이션 유인물 / 2024 Fall Orientation Materials for New Students writer 국제교육원 (admin) Date 2024.09.02 09:49:03 Hits 158 attach CIE SEJONG_New Students Orientation (2024 Fall)_English.pdf CIE SEJONG_New Students Orientation (2024 Fall)_Chinese.pdf CIE SEJONG_New Students Orientation (2024 Fall)_Vietnamese.pdf CIE SEJONG_New Students Orientation (2024 Fall)_Japanese.pdf 2024학년도 가을학기 신입생 오리엔테이션 유인물을 첨부하오니 확인하시기 바랍니다. Please find the attached handout materials for new students of 2024 Fall. 2024학년도 가을학기 학사일정 previous 2024학년도 가을학기 반 배정 결과 안내 / Class Assignment Results for Fall 2024 Semester next 2024 세계랑 탈탈 탈춤 공연 참가자 모집 / Recruitment for Korean Dance Talchum Performance

  • 세종대학교 국제교육원

    subject 2024 세계랑 탈탈 탈춤 공연 참가자 모집 / Recruitment for Korean Dance Talchum Performance writer 국제교육원 (admin) Date 2024.09.03 17:25:19 Hits 107 attach 2024 세계랑 탈탈 탈춤 공연 참가자 모집 / Recruitment for Korean Dance Talchum Performance previous 2024 가을학기 오리엔테이션 유인물 / 2024 Fall Orientation Materials for New Students next 2024 가을학기 단체 외국인 등록 신청 / 2024 Fall Foreign Resident Registration

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Board > View  Title 9월 학술정보원 이용 교육 안내 Writer학술정보원 registration2024/08/28 10:22:51 hits125 Tag Write Cancel Catalogue   관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Board > View  Title 학술정보원 랜선투어 영상 Writer학술정보원 registration2024/08/28 16:54:27 hits116 리모델링된 학술정보원의 시설과 이용 방법을 소개합니다! Tag Write Cancel Catalogue   관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  1. 첫페이지이전
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  12. 다음마지막페이지