(전공)별 해당 분야만 인정(연도별 자료 확인) 9. 상호협력 양해각서(협약서)를 체결한 기관의 졸업(예정) 자 숭실사이버대학교 (모든 학과 해당) - 공연
지 아니한 사람 9. 제23조의3에 따른 교육명령을 이행하지 아니한 자 - 영유아보육법 제제46조 및 제47조의 규정에 의하여 자격이 정지중인 자 - 영유아보육법 제48조제1항의 규정
at 9 oclock. ■Test Place : Gwanggaeto Hall No. 1120B (Face-to-face test is scheduled
9...하기 이전 페이지로 이동하기 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9...하기 이전 페이지로 이동하기 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9...지로 이동하기 이전 페이지로 이동하기 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
전형) - 정원내 : 2024년 07월 하순 면접 (면접전형 있는 경우, 지원자 개별 안내) 9. 합격자발표 : 2024년 08월 02일(금)까지 홈페이지 발표... the results via the Graduate School Website and no individual notice will be given. 9. Important
대학원 조기졸업을 희망하는 대학원생은 다음 사항을 참조하여 신청하시기 바랍니다. 1. 신청기간 : 2024. 9. 2(월) ~ 9. 27
授课课程(一年制):入学6个月以内需要在世宗大学国际教育院完成1个学期的韩语课程,并取得结业证。 3. 课程免除及课程减免条件 1) 新生在开学前(2024年9月1日前)取得TOPIK3级(艺体能专业 TOPIIK2级)以上既可以免除韩语课程 ▶ 2024年9月30日前务必将TOPIK成绩提交至广开土馆905室。 2) 新生入学以后第一学期内 取得TOPIK3级(艺体
. 2. Application Period : .Jan. 2, 2025 (Thu) ~ Jan. 9, 2025 (Thu) 5PM a. Access the Academic... it to the Graduate School Office by 5PM Thursday, January. 9. → For further information, please contact
. 2. Application Period : .Jan. 2, 2025 (Thu) ~ Jan. 9, 2025 (Thu) 5PM a. Access the Academic... it to the Graduate School Office by 5PM Thursday, January. 9. → For further information, please contact
. 2. Application Period : .Jan. 2, 2025 (Thu) ~ Jan. 9, 2025 (Thu) 5PM a. Access the Academic... it to the Graduate School Office by 5PM Thursday, January. 9. → For further information, please contact
. 2. Application Period : .Jan. 2, 2025 (Thu) ~ Jan. 9, 2025 (Thu) 5PM a. Access the Academic... it to the Graduate School Office by 5PM Thursday, January. 9. → For further information, please contact
. 2. Application Period : .Jan. 2, 2025 (Thu) ~ Jan. 9, 2025 (Thu) 5PM a. Access the Academic... it to the Graduate School Office by 5PM Thursday, January. 9. → For further information, please contact
. 2. Application Period : .Jan. 2, 2025 (Thu) ~ Jan. 9, 2025 (Thu) 5PM a. Access the Academic... it to the Graduate School Office by 5PM Thursday, January. 9. → For further information, please contact
. 2. Application Period : .Jan. 2, 2025 (Thu) ~ Jan. 9, 2025 (Thu) 5PM a. Access the Academic... it to the Graduate School Office by 5PM Thursday, January. 9. → For further information, please contact
. 2. Application Period : .Jan. 2, 2025 (Thu) ~ Jan. 9, 2025 (Thu) 5PM a. Access the Academic... it to the Graduate School Office by 5PM Thursday, January. 9. → For further information, please contact
. 2. Application Period : .Jan. 2, 2025 (Thu) ~ Jan. 9, 2025 (Thu) 5PM a. Access the Academic... it to the Graduate School Office by 5PM Thursday, January. 9. → For further information, please contact
. 2. Application Period : .Jan. 2, 2025 (Thu) ~ Jan. 9, 2025 (Thu) 5PM a. Access the Academic... it to the Graduate School Office by 5PM Thursday, January. 9. → For further information, please contact
. 2. Application Period : .Jan. 2, 2025 (Thu) ~ Jan. 9, 2025 (Thu) 5PM a. Access the Academic... it to the Graduate School Office by 5PM Thursday, January. 9. → For further information, please contact