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[교내연계사이트] '정보원'에 대한 검색 결과

교내사이트 (부서/기관) ( 1240건 )

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Board > View  Title 교보문고 시스템 점검에 따른 "스콜라" 서비스 일시 중지 안내 (11.24일) Writer전자정보과 registration2024/11/22 09:06:38 hits59 교보문고 시스템 4분기 정기점검으로 아래와 같이 스콜라 서비스가 제한될 예정입니다.  이용에 참고하시기 바랍니다. 작업 시간에는 스콜라 서비스가 중단될 예정입니다.   작업 시간 :   2024년 11월 24일(일) 00:30 ~ 09:00 (총 8시간 30분)   Tag Write Cancel Catalogue   관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Board > View  Title 예약버튼이 보이질 않습니다. Writer문성철 registration2010/08/24 09:52:50 hits13299  질문 : 대출된 도서를 예약할려고 하니까 예약버튼이 보이질 않습니다. 어떻게 된거죠?    답변 : 대출된 도서의 예약기준은 이렇습니다.           예약가능한 도서의 경우 한 도서당 3명이 예약할 수 있습니다.           다만, 복본(Copy본)이 있는 경우 복본 수만큼 예약인원이 증가됩니다.           그리고 1인당 예약할 수 있는 도서는 3권입니다.                     신규 오픈된 홈페이지에서는 예약인원이 초과한 도서의 경우           예약버튼이 생성되지 않게 설계가 되어 있기 때문에 예약가능한 도서이지만 예약버튼이 보이지 않는 것입니다.                  이렇게 설계를 한 이유는 너무 많은 예약자가 있을 경우 낮은 순위에 있는 이용자는 오랜 기간을 기다리기 때문에           간혹 예약한 내역을 잊어버리는 경우가 있으며 특히 예약된 도서가 반납되었을때 3번 동안 대출하지 않게 되면 1개월 동안           예약을 할 수 없는 제재가 자동으로 생성되어서 시스템에 문제가 있는건 아닌지 문의를 하는 경우가 많기 때문입니다. Tag Write Cancel Catalogue   관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Board > View  Title 대학생을 위한 저작권보호 가이드라인 Writer학술정보원 registration2024/05/14 09:17:57 hits100  문화체육관광부에서는 대학생 대상 저작권 보호 가이드 라인인 대학생이 반드시 지켜야 할 저작권 상식 자료집을 발간 하였습니다.  해당 자료집의 설명 및 사례들을 읽고 저작권 침해 걱정 없이 저작물을 이용하시기 바랍니다. Tag Write Cancel 대학생이 반드시 지켜야 할 저작권 상식.pdf (2778032 byte) Catalogue   관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Google Scholar

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > E-Resources > Google Scholar  Google Scholar What is Google Scholar Find it@sejong Service? This is a service that allows easy access to the original texts of electronic publications subscribed by the Sejong University Library both inside and outside the university, using the Google Scholar’s "Find it@sejong". How to use the service From the Library’s Internet website: Library website E-Resources Google Scholar Go directly to Google Scholar http://scholar.google.co.kr How to set up the service settings: 1. Select the Settings menu in the Google Scholar search screen. 2. Perform a search for “Sejong University”, check the search results and save the settings 3. Use “Find it@sejong" in the Google Scholar search result screen to check the accessibility of the original texts and additional links. 4. The link service available on the Librarys webpage allows users to a variety of services, including checking out DDS, JCR Impact Factor, SCOPUS and bibliographies. Google Scholar This is an academic data search service that allows users to perform searches on a wide-ranging academic and research materials in various fields provided by academic societies, universities, academic institutes and publishers, such as books, abstracts, papers and Journal publications. Using Google Scholar, users can find the most relevant materials throughout the field. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Greeting

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Library Guide > About the Library > Greeting  Welcome to the Sejong University Library. At the center of Sejong University, which fosters ‘Sejong-typed talents who take on challenges with creative thinking and communicate and share with the world,’ is the Sejong Library. Since the library was renovated in 1958, students and faculty have used it as a place for academic development and communication. In 2000, it was expanded to 2 underground floors and 10 above-ground floors. Recently, it has been further developed into an education and research support service institution to foster talents needed for the 4th Industrial Revolution. Recently, through a complete remodeling from the 1st basement floor to the 4th floor above ground, it was renovated with the concepts of ‘Co-Study’, a space for togetherness, ‘Young Zone’, a space for youth, and ‘Zero Zone’, an empty space to fill the future. The 2nd floor [S-Lounge] is a knowledge creation space where free discussion, learning, rest, and communication take place; the 1st floor [Cretech Zone] is an individual/group learning space using IT technology; and the 3rd floor is a knowledge learning space [OdB space]. By creating a reading room on the 4th floor, it is being reborn as not just a place to study, but also a space to be together, considerate, and dream of tomorrow. We ask for your continued interest and encouragement in the Sejong Library, a space that fosters infinite imagination and potential. Thanks. Myung Chae JUNG Director of Sejong University Library. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - History

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Library Guide > About the Library > History  History 2014. 10 Library Structural Reform Phase 2 Upgrade Completed (Director Seong-Bin Hwang) 2014. 03 Reformed the library structure and opened new facilities (Director Seong-Bin Hwang) 2013. 09 The library and the computer information center are integrated into the academic department of the university headquarters. (Director Hwang) 2012. 03 Construction of RFID 900MHz system for the second largest library in domestic university library (Director Hwang). 2011. 09 Mobile homepage construction.(Director Jun-Yeop Kim) 2010. 02 Library web portal service construction and homepage reorganization. 2009. 12 Enforcing book borrowing for graduate loan applicants. 2008. 07 Establishing foundation to provide specialized subject service through organizational restructuring. 2007. 12 Establishment of medium and long term development plan of library and joining university library association. 2006. 09 Establishment of electronic information department and new electronic library system (DLi2) to enhance user service through web. 2000. 10 Expanded to 2 floors underground, 10 floors above ground. 2000. 02 Renamed library as academic information source. 1995 Integrated the Yulgok-gwan into the library. 1988.10 Sejong-gwan and Gunjang-gwan were operated separately.Transfer to a modern five-story building. 1965. 07 Completed a modern three-story building (Sejong-gwan) (reference reading room, general reading room, periodical room) 1964. 01 Adopted the official library policies and began to lend books. 1963. 04 Joined the Korean Library Association. 1961. 04 Reorganized into 4-year college of education, library reconstruction. 1958. 07 Moving to Gunja-dong and Library building is independent architecture 1954 Established as a capital womens college and expanded to a library. 1949. 03 New library in Jungmuro 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul. 1947 Changed its name to the Seoul Women’s College of Education. 1940. 05 The Kyung Sung Humanities Institute founded. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - 제1자료실

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Library Guide > StackRooms > 제1자료실  Stacks #1 Stacks #2 Stacks #3 Repository Stack #1 Description Sack #1 is located on the 5th floor of the library. It has 200,000 books, including general literature, philosophy, religion, social science, linguistics, pure science, applied science, Professional librarians have been deployed to provide various practical services related to the above subject areas, thereby providing practical and high-level assistance to the academic research and education of the users. Notice Loans and returns are only available in the 2nd floor lending room. Please put the book that you pulled out from the bookshelf on the return ticket and the Book truck.. Please do not bring in food, please make your phone vibrating. After the search, please return to the initial screen for the next user. Please keep it quiet because it may cause inconvenience to other users due to calls and conversation in the reading room. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - 제2자료실

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Library Guide > StackRooms > 제2자료실  Stacks #1 Stacks #2 Stacks #3 Repository Stack #2 Description Stack #2 is located on the 6th floor of the library. It has over 300,000 books, including literature, historical materials, LC materials, dissertations, deposits (OECD, ADB, IOC) and maps. Professional librarians have been deployed to provide various practical services related to the above subject areas, thereby providing practical and high-level assistance to the academic research and education of the users. Notice Loans and returns are only available in the 2nd floor lending room. Please put the book that you pulled out from the bookshelf on the return ticket and the Book truck.. Please do not bring in food, please make your phone vibrating. After the search, please return to the initial screen for the next user. Please keep it quiet because it may cause inconvenience to other users due to calls and conversation in the reading room. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - 제3자료실

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Library Guide > StackRooms > 제3자료실  Stacks #1 Stacks #2 Stacks #3 Repository Stack #3 Description Stack #3 has 50,000 copies of domestic and international academic / literary magazines, journals, newspapers, newsletters, and donations. The latest serials are arranged in alphabetical order and alphabetical order of the serial titles in the new and new books in domestic and overseas. The serials of the serials in the past year are arranged in order of book number on bound bookshelf. Notice Loans and returns are only available in the 2nd floor lending room. Please put the book that you pulled out from the bookshelf on the return ticket and the Book truck.. Please do not bring in food, please make your phone vibrating. After the search, please return to the initial screen for the next user. Please keep it quiet because it may cause inconvenience to other users due to calls and conversation in the reading room. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Library Enter

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Library Guide > Enter & ID Card > Library Enter   Library Enter Description In order to enter the library, authentication is always required. The authentication method is possible only through the use of mobile ID and student ID card. How to use When the scan as shown in the figure below, you can access. Notes You cannot use both your Student ID card and your mobile user ID. After swiping, wait for the green light to flash to enter. Outside users must fill out the visitor log to enter the library.. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Hours & Location

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Library Guide > About the Library > Hours & Location  Hours   During Semester (Weekdays) During Semester (Saterday) During Vacation Reading Room #1~#6 (B1,1,3,4F) 24 hours Stack #1~#3 (5,6,9F) 09:00 ~ 22:00 09:00 ~ 17:00 09:00 ~ 17:00 Lounges (2,4F) 09:00 ~ 22:00 09:00 ~ 17:00 09:00 ~ 17:00 Study Room (4F) & Cinema Room (1F) 10:00 ~ 21:00 10:00 ~ 16:00 10:00 ~ 16:00 * Library hours are subject to change when the Librarys Director admits that to be necessary Closed Guide 1. Holiday and Sunday that government specifies 2. University event day 3. Book checking period during vacation 4. Etc, Library equipement period Location Location   Number of Seats 10F Repository(Old Books)   9F Stack #3(Serials/References/Score/Classics) 133 8F Office of IT Service·Multi-Studio   7F Office of Library·Office of Educational Innovation·Video Conference Room·English Test Center   6F Stack #2 ( Literature/History/Dissertations) 308 5F Stack #1 (Human/Social/Natural Science/Art/Course reserves) 308 4F Reading Room #6·Creative Discussion Lounge·Group Study Rooms·Computer Rooms 445 3F Reading Room #4,5·PC Lounge·Laptop Lounge 525 2F Information Center·S-Lounge·Community-Lounge·Cafe 350 1F Reading Room #2,3·Muilti-Media Room·Training Room·Cinema Rooms 337 B1F Reading Room #1 189 B2F Repository (Old Books)   관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Mobile Library

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Library Guide > Enter & ID Card > Mobile Library  Mobile ID Card Description Now a new smart phone app is used to issue mobile user IDs. How to use 1. Go to Google Play (for Android phones) or Apple App Store (for iPhones), search for “세종대학교 통합 모바일 앱” and install the app. 2. Same as login to Sejong Portal Page (https://portal.sejong.ac.kr) ID Password. 3. Select ID Card menu after login. 4. Library access, book rental, and reading room reservation are available using the generated QR code. Important If you have an old mobile ID, please install the app to get a new mobile ID. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Mobile Library

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Service > Mobile Library  Mobile Library Mobile ID Download Service which receives issue the QR code by running the app on your smartphone, you can use the library, lending of books, and seat reservations Users of all, you need to use new mobile ID (the application). Guide When you scan the QR code on the right side of your smartphone, you can access the Sejong University mobile library (mlib.sejong.ac.kr) IPhone (iPad), Android phones only (possible Galaxy Tab) is available, 기Other operating systems (windowsMobile etc.) smartphones and 2G phones not available Note : The mobile library, for the use of wireless Internet access, if you use the 3G and 4G (LTE) network, surcharges may apply separately. All Search Books, periodicals, dissertations, reference materials, multimedia, e-book, e-Journal, searching possible. Purchase Request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. You can purchase request list is available after login. My Library You can be able to check loan, reservations, accompanying material, to confirm the note personal loan-related. My Library 메뉴는 로그인 후 이용할 수 있습니다. Database, Article All Search and Title, author, you can refine your search by Publisher classification.. Reading Rooms You can check the status of each reading room seats left. 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - SITEMAP

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > SITEMAP  History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Thesis Materials

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Service > Thesis Materials  Theses Materials Description Collection(digital Collection) business, through the distribution of university academic research production information, it is a system of national units that are based on the university library. Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. How to submit a hard copy thesis First, after submitting a file of dcollection site(online) and submitted to each graduate academic dissertation printing plate after outputting the copyright agreement (Master Part 3, Dr. 5 parts) online Submit Please visit the site below for more details and site to be submitted. dCollection for Sejong University online Manual View Manual 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Request Article

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  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - Personal Information

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > My Library > Personal Information  로그인이 필요합니다. 이동 관련사이트 바로가기 관련사이트 바로가기

  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - URL

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  • 세종대학교 학술정보원 - View detail

    본문바로가기 검색 검색 Searching the subject book that holdings in the library, magazines, theses, multimedia data Electronic journals, Web-DB, e-learning and e-book searchable Available in sejong.dcollection.net and www.riss.kr search of theses that have not been to the library collection. Seach all e-resources in the world as well as e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license. (Flag is shown up form the e-journals/research DBs on which Sejong Univ has license) Just log on the library website, use is possible in the same way as in school electronic journal, a Web-DB also off-campus. The overall status of the loan book that is loan/return, lost, late fees, renew, booking can be confirmed. Purchase request List Yon can see a list that Purchase request book. Missing Books Request List If you do not shelf book you are looking for, is a service that librarians who discover directly. Document Delivery Service DDS is a service of the data that is not in the university collection. In the case of books, it is also possible interlibrary loan. Membership after registering on the site www.riss.kr, www.ndsl.kr, it is available for approval after the completion of the librarian. Visiting Other Libraries The service you can use other library, in case you want use the data that our college library does not have, from other library dCollection Students who graduated from the graduate school, degree has not been awarded unless submitted online to dcolllection site to my thesis. Mobile Libray Search Fulltext use of the data is possible even in the mobile through the mobile website. Enterance of the library, reservation reading room and lending of books is possible using the mobile ID. Librarian has to process your inquiry as soon as through the ask/request bulletin board. History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books) Library Hours - B2F, 1F Reading Rooms : 24 hours - 2F ~ 9F : During Semester(Weekdays) : 09:00~22:00 / During Semester(Saterday)/Vacation : 09:00~17:00 Service by Tel number is as follows Purchase of books 02-3408-3866 Borrowing/Return 02-3408-3862 InterLibrary Loan/delivery Service 02-3408-3064 Reading Room Reservation 02-3408-3073 Multimedia Room / Moblie ID 02-3408-3073 e-Journal, Web-DB, e-book 02-3408-3072 Homepage ID/PW 02-3408-3072 Stack by Tel number is as follows Stack #1(5F) 02-3408-3865 Stack #2(6F) 02-3408-3866 Stack #3(9F) 02-3408-3869 Repository(B2F,10F) 02-3408-3869 History Hours & Location Staff Organization Statistics Borrowing/Renew/Reservation Return/Delay/Lost Book Document Delivery Service Library Enter Mobile ID Card Reserve Group StudyRooms Reserve ReadingRooms Wireless Lan Copy/Printer Stack #1 Stack #2 Stack #3 Repository(Old Books)  Home > Catalogue > View detail  스크립트가 작동하지 않으면 사이트 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다. View MARC View detail Output Save View save box Put collection Add bookmark Joint bookmark Contents number :1067457 - Delicious - Digg - Margarin - Bookmarkr - Wzd.com Bookmark - Google Bookmark - Yahoo! Bookmark - Naver Bookmark - FaceBook - Twitter - 요즘 - 미투데이 [Close] Data type : Oriental books Title / Author : 예루살렘의 아이히만 / 한나 아렌트 지음 ; 김선욱 옮김. Original Title : Eichmann in Jerusalem : Ein Bericht von der Banalitat des Bosen. Personal Name : Arendt, Hannah, 1906-1975. 김선욱 Publisher : 파주 : 한길사, 2006. [2017(22쇄) ] Physical Description : 418 p. : 도판 ; 23 cm. 총서사항 : 한길그레이트북스 ; 81 General Note : 관제: 악의 평범성에 대한 보고서 Bibliography Note : 참고문헌(p. 405-409)과 색인수록 Awards Note : 2007년도 대한민국학술원 기초학문육성 "우수학술도서" 선정 Subject : Eichmann, Adolf, 1906-1962. Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) War crime trials --Jerusalem. ISBN : 8935656615 Call No : 940.5318092 A681eK김   Bookmark Title Comment There is no one line note. Why dont you share your opinion with other users. Write one line note contents Title Comment Save Rewrite Close * Name and department will be open. Tag There is no input tag info. Title Page Comment Release Save Cancel Tag Save Cancel Possession data arrangement request not in bookshelf reserve view.search.place.output   Additional data Abstract Table of Contents External related data 인류의 위대한 지적 유산을 집대성한『한길그레이트북스』제81권. 예루살렘에서 있었던 아이히만의 재판에 대한 보고를 통해 악의 평범성을 이야기하는 을 번역한 책이다. 저자는 유대인 학살의 주범이라 할 수 있는 아돌프 아이히만의 재판을 참관한 것을 바탕으로, 어떠한 이론이나 사상을 의도한 것이 아니라 단지 아주 사실적인 어떤 것, 엄청난 규모로 자행된 악행의 현상을 나타내고자 했다. 저자는 아이히만의 사례를 통해 악의 평범성의 의미를 여러 각도에서 드러내며, 보편적 유대인 개념이 갖는 허상을 자신의 체험을 바탕으로 설명하고 있다. 특히 악의 평범성 개념으로 어떻게 자기중심성을 벗어나 타자중심적 윤리로 돌아설 수 있는지를 보여준다. 이번 한국어판에는 포스트 모던적 정치사상의 입장에서 이 책이 어떻게 읽혀질 수 있는지, 그리고 어떠한 중요한 논점들을 제공하는지를 조망한 정화열 교수의 해제를 함께 실었다. Book review 한나 아렌트, 예루살렘의 아이히만 - (이혜주 | 2024-12-30 Write) Star point : 이 책은 고전pt대회 때문에 읽었다가 생각보다 저에게 큰 인상을 남겼습니다. 평범한 관료적 복종이 어떤 악을 초래하는지 느낄 수 있었습니다. 그리고 아이히만이 남다르게 악한 사람이 아니라는 것이 새삼스럽게 다가왔습니다. 특히 요즘 시국에 다시 한번 들춰보게 되는 책이었는데, 말로만 우리 모두가 악하다고 주장하는 것과 실제로 함께 살아가는 타인들의 무사유적인 악의를 접하는 것은 전혀 다르다는 것을 느꼈습니다. 생각 없이 조직에 순응하며 따라가면 나쁜 짓을 하기 몹시 쉬운데, 그렇다고 매번 조직에 반기를 들 수도 없는 상황에서 어떻게 해야 하는지 고민이 깊어졌습니다. <예루살렘의 아이히만> 서평 - (전승민 | 2024-12-01 Write) Star point : 한나 아렌트의 예루살렘의 아이히만은 나치 전범 아이히만의 재판을 통해 인간 사회의 도덕성과 악의 본질을 탐구한 도발적인 책입니다. 아렌트는 아이히만을 "악의 평범성"이라는 개념으로 설명하며, 그가 잔혹한 범죄를 저지른 것은 개인적 악의가 아니라 체제 순응과 사유의 부재 때문이었다고 주장합니다. 이는 악이 특별한 사악함이 아닌, 생각 없이 체제에 따르는 평범한 행동에서 비롯될 수 있음을 경고합니다. 아렌트는 이 책에서 유대인 지도층의 역할, 정의의 한계, 개인과 집단의 책임을 철저히 분석하며 도덕적 질문을 던집니다. 그녀의 논의는 당시 큰 논란을 일으켰으나, 악의 기원과 인간 행위의 도덕적 책임을 재검토하는 중요한 계기를 마련했습니다. 예루살렘의 아이히만은 단순히 역사적 사건을 다룬 기록물이 아니라, 인간의 무책임과 집단적 맹종이 어떻게 비극을 초래할 수 있는지를 철학적으로 분석한 책입니다. 아렌트의 통찰은 오늘날에도 체제 순응과 도덕적 무관심의 위험성을 일깨우며, 우리 모두가 책임감 있는 사유와 행동을 해야 함을 강하게 촉구합니다. 한나 아렌트 - 예루살렘의 아이히만 - (석성현 | 2024-10-06 Write) Star point : 한나 아렌트의 <예루살렘의 아이히만> 은 악의 평범성 이라는 개념을 중심으로, 아돌프 아이히만의 전범 재판을 다룹니다. 이 책은 아이히만이 유대인 학살에 직접적으로 연루된 인물임에도, 그가 단순히 명령을 따르고 체제에 순응했던 사람일 뿐이라는 점에서 특별한 악의 의지를 발견하기 어렵다는 아렌트의 주장이 담겨 있습니다. 이 작품을 읽으며 개인적인 감상으로는, 아이히만의 태도에서 드러나는 무사유의 위험성에 대해 깊이 생각하게 되었습니다. 단순히 명령에 따라 행위한 결과가 얼마나 참혹한지, 그리고 인간이 자신의 도덕적 책임을 기계적 순응 뒤에 숨길 때 발생할 수 있는 비극이 얼마나 큰지를 깨닫게 됩니다. 이는 현대 사회에서도 마찬가지로 적용된다고 생각합니다. 과연 나 자신은 지금의 사회적 구조와 규칙에 대해 비판적 성찰을 하고 있는가? 고민하게 됩니다. 아렌트는 아이히만을 특별한 악인으로 규정하지 않고, 누구나 아이히만처럼 될 수 있음을 경고합니다. 이에 대해 저자의 생각과 공감하면서도, 한편으로는 당시 상황에서의 구조적 억압과 개인의 선택의 문제를 좀 더 깊이 있게 논의해볼 필요성을 느꼈습니다. 아렌트의 분석은 명확하지만, 그 속에서 인간 본연의 윤리적인 선택에 대해 더 많은 고찰이 필요하지 않았나 하는 의문도 남습니다. 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